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2024-03-26 04:42:43

I've been reading "On Green” ( and its following article, “On Attunement” with some interest today. I am uninterested in the ways he is focused on “AGI”, but that might actually be part of what he's saying and missing.
They talk about the philosophy of green in the "magic the gathering" sense, which has five core modes of things, and being a game, designed to balance. It's an attractive system and not without merit as a philosophical labeling system. In short: white, moral; blue, knowledge and rationality; red, passion and desire; black, power and achievement. And green. Green is the subject they can't identify clearly.
I don't think they really understand green. (They come from a very rationalist place, and that's not a good mode to understand Green)
Green is the domain of systems thinking and of ecology. It's one of flexible boundaries and hierarchies that vanish when you look at them for long. They talk about philosophical agents and try to fit a green philosophical stance into that framework, but it misses: the very idea of a self is nebulous in a green philosophy. Yes, it obviously exists, we are all separate from each other. But also we are inseparable from each other. Green is a philosophy of relationality and multiple perspectives and ever shifting viewpoints. It's not just yin, passive, permissive, but holistic. It's not that it lets the Other in, it's that it actively is in relation with the Other. The other is the self, the self is the other.
The essays also label green as conservative, and this is not quite true. It is not about being slow or regressive or traditional, but about being whole. They can't quite see that green's willingness to accept death and pain as things that happen and also its strong preservationist stance are not opposed to each other. It seems incoherent, but it's not: death and pain are things that happen to living parts of an ecosystem. They matter, but so too does the whole matter. Where so many blue rationalists see statistical and demographic counts of deaths and "sentient beings harmed”, green sees a whole ecosystem where some of that is deeply natural. It's unnatural, ecosystem-harming deaths that are disasters in the green philosophy. Wholesale extinctions. Protracted, painful deaths, as much for the wound they cause outside the individual as the individual suffering as well. But we all come to an end, and to change that wholesale would end so many kinds of relationship, so many things.
Green revels in the illegible, the incomplete, and the connected. It's easy to be green-blind, to ignore the subtle systemic effects. So many of us want simple cause and effect, rather than action and plurality of reactions.
Green's ability to embrace the illegible lets it deal with Red chaos; its resilience tempers red passion. It can ally with White philosophies into a pastoral, conservative, moralistic framework. It ends up at odds with the rationalist Blue and the power-hungry Black, because they drive disequilibrium, but more than just transition to new stable ecologies, they drive systems permanently out of stability, destroying relationships in their path. When confronted with this, they will deny it because the objects are still there. Preserved. Catalogued. Legible and accounted for. Perhaps used instrumentally. Perhaps wrecked for some "greater purpose” but only acknowledged as objects. The relationships between things remain illegible.
2024-02-26 19:01:44

Update: I’m apparently not.
(Not deleting this so we don’t lose the conversation in the comments. Just don’t want new folks getting tripped up by it.)
* * *
Sounds like I’m shadow-banned on mastodon.…
2024-02-25 19:55:45

Come on. This push to summarize all webpages and written content with #AI is ridiculous.
See this example from #Arc Search - in what world is this an adequate summary for an 8,000 word article that takes 43 minutes to read?
The amount of detail, specificity, narrative, and actual arguments that get lo…

How to
internet. me ururate
guide for SEOs
Amid unfair industry blame for the
failings of the modern web. we aim
The author challenges stereotypes about
SEO professionals and aims to spotlight real
individuals in the industry. They discuss the
impact of a controversial article, the need for
change in the web, and the misrepresented
nature of SEO subculture.
Controversial Article Impact
The author discusses the impact of a
controversial article that portrayed SEO
professionals in a nega…
Search Engine Land
How to 'un-ruin' the
internet: The ultimate
guide for SEOs
Amid unfair industry blame for the
failings of the modern web, we aim
to challenge stereotypes and
spotlight real individuals in SEO.
Mariya Delano on November 17, 2023 at 9:00 am | Reading
time: 43 minutes
2024-02-27 08:48:10

X/Twitter finds my activity suspicious. Of multiple accounts. Because I am using VPNs? Because I don't post? Because I am logging in every few months? I haven't even used my delete script on those accounts

 Your account has been locked.
What happened?
We found some unusual activity on your account. To make sure X is safe for everyone, we need you to confirm your identity before you can continue using X.
What you can do:
To unlock your account, you must do the following:

    Pass an Arkose challenge
2024-02-26 20:01:10

Laut Beschreibung ist dies eine ehemalige "Mietskasernen" und das Gerichtsgebäude in der sehenswerten Stadt #Bamberg. #Reise

Auf dem Bild ist eine ruhige, städtische Straße zu sehen, die von einer Reihe historischer Gebäude gesäumt wird. Die Gebäude auf der rechten Seite haben eine traditionelle rote Backsteinfassade mit weißen Fensterrahmen und Verzierungen. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die Gebäude auf der linken Seite aus einem hellbeigen Stein gebaut und weisen aufwendigere architektonische Details auf, wie geschnitzte Steinelemente um die Fenster und Balkone sowie spitze Dachgiebel.

Zwischen den Bürgersteigen und den …
Auf diesem Bild ist ein Ausschnitt einer städtischen Straße zu sehen, die von historischen Gebäuden flankiert wird. Das dominante Gebäude in der Mitte des Bildes zeigt eine beeindruckende, alte Steinfassade mit abwechslungsreichen Farbnuancen, von hellem Sandstein bis zu dunkleren Flecken. Es verfügt über mehrere Stockwerke und zeigt charakteristische Merkmale wie steinerne Erkerfenster, geschnitzte Verzierungen und ein Giebeldach mit kleinen Fenstern, die auf Dachzimmer hindeuten.

Vor dem Geb…
Das Bild zeigt die Fassade eines großen, historischen Sandsteingebäudes, das klassische architektonische Züge aus vergangenen Jahrhunderten aufweist. Der Teil des Gebäudes, der ins Bild ragt, hat drei sichtbare Etagen mit gleichmäßig angeordneten Fenstern, die jeweils von Steinrahmen eingefasst sind. Die Fenster der oberen Etage sind kleiner und in den Dachgiebel integriert, der mit kleinen Gauben versehen ist.

Ein markantes Merkmal des Gebäudes ist der hohe Turm auf der linken Seite, der über…
2024-04-26 15:25:08

knife feelings
"knife feelings"
2024-03-26 12:51:27

Tomorrow Cats!
I searched all invented AI profiles for "Tomorrow Cats" and -- the future appears to be GIANT KITTEHS!
You've been warned!
#AI #AIart #Midjourney

Giant Flying Tomorrow Cat in the sky!
Giant black Tomorrow Cat overseeing the city below.
Black Tomorrow Cat with widgets and lights.
Giant tomorrow Cat with one green eye and one orange eye looking in your window.
2024-03-25 20:14:19

Hi friends!
The last two #photos from my photowalk in January! I rarely do macros but that day I wasn't out for hiking but really for #photography. So I thought, I could also step down into the frozen stream, take some time and look for tiny structures.
Needless to say that I was…

This image captures a serene, small waterfall cascading gently into a river, set against a backdrop that whispers the essence of winter. The landscape is enveloped in snow, creating a harmonious blend with nature's quietude. The black and white tonality of the photograph enhances the timeless beauty of this winter scene, emphasizing the contrasting textures of the flowing water and the snowy banks. Amidst this tranquil setting, a mammal, possibly searching for food or simply crossing the water,…
This captivating image showcases the serene beauty of a frozen waterfall nestled amidst a winter landscape. The scene is enveloped in a blanket of snow, emphasizing the season's quiet and peaceful ambiance. Dominated by shades of grey and white, the photograph presents a harmonious blend of the winter's chill and nature's grace. The waterfall, now a sculpture of ice, becomes the central figure, surrounded by snow-covered trees that stand as silent guardians of this secluded spot. The stream tha…
2024-03-26 15:35:43

Filing: Dell cut 13,000 employees over the last fiscal year, a steeper reduction than initially announced, and had 120K staffers globally as of February 2, 2024 (Brody Ford/Bloomberg)
2024-02-26 18:40:30

Dear, why are you hiding/limiting @…’s account?
Is it policy on to hide/limit pro-Palestinian / anti-genocide accounts?
(Someone there wanna check my account also, just in case?)
CC @…